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The untamed island of Borneo (of which Kalimantan makes up around two thirds) has enchanted adventurers since the days of the great Victorian explorers – and today little has diluted that raw experience. Home to one of the globe’s great rainforests, bone-through-the-nose tribes and the largest population of orang-utans in the world, this is just the spot to find the last corners of wilderness, untouched by human hand. River boating into the “heart of darkness” through the Tanjung National Park is the way to do it.

Putter along in a klotok river boat while bobble-nosed proboscis monkeys whoop at your arrival and kind-eyed orang-utans loop through the trees.

West Kalimantan

Lying directly on the equator with many canals crisscross the city and one of Indonesia’s longest rivers, the Kapuas (1,143 km long) divides the town in two, providing an essential and historical communications link. Stone carvings and ceramics can be traced as far back as the 5th century, but it is the influence of Islam that has had the most impact on this region. West Kalimantan covers an area of over 146,607 sq km, rich in a variety of minerals and precious stones, and remains largely unexplored. Coastal areas are mainly swamp lands with more than 100 rivers sculpting the flat plains. In the mountainous eastern parts of the province, away from the city and plains, there are many Dayak villages. A large Chinese population, Malays and other Indonesian ethnic groups account for the rest of the inhabitants of the province. West Kalimantan has a tropical climate with the average daily minimum temperature of 220,9 C and maximum 310,05 C. A light rainy season from March - May and the heavy rain from November - January.

Where to stay?

Oberoi Hotel Lombok. Lovely as they are, the Gilis offer little in the way of luxury comforts so it’s best to admire their simple beauty from the day beds of the Oberoi’s private beach on Lombok’s mainland. The hotel also arranges picnics and day-trips to the islands – just 20 minutes away by boat. Doubles from £227.

Oberoi Hotel Lombok
Hotel Tugu Lombok

Hotel Tugu Lombok. Also on the Gili-facing side of Lombok. Take your pick from bamboo and thatched-roof rooms, styled on those found in traditional Lombok villages, either facing out to the cerulean sea and islands or inland to the ember-crowned Rinjani volcano. Three-night packages from £264 a night.

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There may not be any great beaches to speak of on Java, but it does lay the bold, yet justifiable, claim to having the most mesmerising temple in Southeast Asia, credible urban nightlife (i.e. genuine alternatives to karaoke) and a fantastic volcano to hike.

Rise with the morning adhan (call to prayer) for a dawn viewing of the 8th-century Buddhist temple Borobudur and you can explore the intricate lattice stupas while the morning mist unveils the surrounding paddy fields – all in the foothills of a steaming volcano.

Then hike (or take a 4x4) up Mount Bromo for lunar-like, cloud-carpeted views of Java’s nobbled, volcanic spine of craters and smoke-spewing peaks.

Where to stay?

Plataran Borobudur Resort & Spa. Balinese-inspired villas are dotted about a teak forest in one of the many valleys that roll into the foothills of central Java’s volcanoes, paddy fields and coffee plantations.

For maximum majesty, pick a bungalow looking out onto the Borobudur temple, flanked by the looming Mount Merapi and Menoreh Hill. Doubles from £134.

Plataran Borobudur Resort & Spa

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Whisper it quietly; Lombok has far prettier, quieter and whiter beaches than neighbouring Bali. While its profile may be lower, the island looms over Bali with its 13,200ft-high pinnacle, Rinjani. This is Indonesia’s second highest volcano – no mean feat in such a ripped archipelago.

In the smoky shadows of this behemoth, the southern coast is licked with coconut-white coves and waves that draw discerning beach lovers and surfers respectively. For a Robinson Crusoe adventure, take your pick from any of the Gili Islands that dot along Lombok’s north-eastern fringe – a trio of tiny jungle-and-sand islands, haloed by kaleidoscopic coral reef – all without cars, crowds or complexity.

Where to stay?

Oberoi Hotel Lombok. Lovely as they are, the Gilis offer little in the way of luxury comforts so it’s best to admire their simple beauty from the day beds of the Oberoi’s private beach on Lombok’s mainland. The hotel also arranges picnics and day-trips to the islands – just 20 minutes away by boat. Doubles from £227.

Oberoi Hotel Lombok
Hotel Tugu Lombok

Hotel Tugu Lombok. Also on the Gili-facing side of Lombok. Take your pick from bamboo and thatched-roof rooms, styled on those found in traditional Lombok villages, either facing out to the cerulean sea and islands or inland to the ember-crowned Rinjani volcano. Three-night packages from £264 a night.

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Bali is the complete tropical island; lush, culturally unique and exotic, yet with all forms of creature comforts. It pretty much invented tropical luxury, with a signature style of pavilion-like hotels with teak daybeds and handcrafted interiors that is plagiarised in boutique hotels from Anjuna to Zanzibar.

An island of Hindu offerings, incense wafts through the air from the second you step off the plane, and colourful, eccentric-looking gods poke their head out of every taxi mirror, shop door and hotel lobby.

Most visitors focus their stay on the southern shores – Seminyak for couples seeking luxury, and Kuta for raucous merriment and markets. These well-trodden, southern beaches are vast, yawning swathes of surf-crashed sand, alive with neon-hued après-surf nightclubs.

The party crowd is easy to avoid, however. Escapists make for the hidden coves of Bingin, where fierce waves have carved out a parade of cliff-skirted, white sand coves, with frothy shallows created by peeling barrels of surf on the horizon.

Things get wild on the tempestuous northern shore as inky black volcanic sands line the coast at beaches such as Lovina. For sunset, surf and swinging in hammocks, the tiny island of Nusa Lembongan, just off the east coast, is the beachy postcard many come to Bali expecting.

Others leave the coast all together to explore the verdant waves of rice paddies that undulate between the island’s inland volcanoes and the slow beating heart of the island, sleepy Ubud. Here, craft-selling villages, Hindu temples and monkey-filled rainforests surround the spiritual soul of Bali.

Where to stay?

Bali Uma Ubud. This boutique hotel lies on the outskirts of Ubud, surrounded by gardens of banyan trees and coconut palms. It is furnished with huge pieces of Balinese furniture: antique carvings and giant sized, intricately carved teak sofas. Colonial-style, straw-thatched rooms look out onto the volcanic valley of Mount Batur. A popular activity involves a dawn hike up to the crater. Doubles from £243.

Bali Uma Ubud
Nusa Dua Bay Resort

Nusa Bay Resort. Roomy bamboo-thatched and pastel-brushed concrete villas overlook the silky white sarong of sand that is Mushroom Bay on Bali’s cheery offshoot isle, Nusa Lembongan. In keeping with the friendly vibe of the island, Nusa Bay is a place for mingling with fellow holidaymakers. Diners all squidge in together on the grand communal tables under the Indonesian village-style long house where Bintang and Arak (local beer and firewater respectively) flow into the early hours. Doubles from £78.

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Cheap Auto Insurance - 10 Crucial Tips For Traveling Teens And Petrified Parents

Cheap auto insurance can cost you a bundle if you don't keep a few crucial tips in mind. You have to do your homework to ensure that you understand the fine print - especially if you have a teenager on the verge of discovering the joys and freedom of driving. You don't want to discover too late that your cheap auto insurance policy doesn't provide coverage for a young driver...

It is an unfortunate fact that teenagers cause a spike in claim rates. Research has shown their accident rate to be up to ten times as high as that of older, more experienced drivers. This high risk group has a direct effect on quotes. The premium can almost double in some instances. Fortunately there are ways to soften the blow as far as your cheap auto insurance package is concerned.

  1. Type Of Vehicle: While choosing a low risk vehicle for your teen may have you out of the running as far as the popularity contest is concerned, it will affect your insurance quote significantly. Companies frown on an expensive, fast sports car with a teenager behind the wheel. Don't dangle temptation in front of your teen. Choose that older, heavier car and you will qualify for a much lower premium, as well as a measure of peace of mind. Get a list of the no-go wheels from your insurer.
  2. Driving History: Try to get your teen to understand that their driving history is just as important as their credit history. Avoiding a black mark in any shape or form is vital. Don't claim for small mishaps. Tickets for speeding are a no-no.

Passing a course at a reputable driving school will also enable your carrier to see the teen as less of a risk. Why not join your child in a Defensive Driver Program, in order to qualify for a cheap auto insurance discount? This will equip both of you to cut the risk of rear-end crashes, while teaching you and your teen to use emergency brake procedures correctly, to use safe following distances, and to drive safely in foul weather.

Expecting your teen carry his or her share of the coverage is a great way to create a careful driver and teach responsibility.

  1. Avoid Distractions: Teach your teen to concentrate on driving and driving alone when in the car. No distractions are allowed. No cell phone calls. No fooling around with passengers. In fact, putting restrictions on carrying passengers during the first year or so of driving is probably sensible and can help to get you cheap auto insurance. In some states teens are now barred from carrying more than one passenger. It has been proven that having three or more passengers makes the driver up to three times as likely to be involved in an accident. The new laws also prohibit driving during the dangerous late night and early morning period. This already seems to have a beneficial effect on premiums.
  2. Seat Belt Safety: Seat belt use is without question one of the most vital aspects of driving. Your teen must know that his wheels will be confiscated if he ever drives without wearing a seat belt. This also applies to passengers. By signing a seat belt wearing undertaking, you may increase your chances of landing cheap auto insurance.
  3. You Are The Role Model: Remember that you are your teen's role model when it comes to driving. If you don't stick to the rules, you can't expect your kids to do so. Your example over the years will play an important role in the way they approach their own driving later on.
  4. Change Driver Status: Your teen may qualify to be an occasional driver, which will draw a lower premium. At first it will also be less expensive to have teens covered under your personal protection plan. They can change to their own plan later on, once they have established some sort of record.
  5. Liability Coverage: Never, ever try to save on liability coverage when taking out cheap auto insurance. This is absolutely vital. If at all possible get a comprehensive umbrella policy. This will give you a huge cushion in case of a serious accident. It is astonishing how costs can add up if such an unfortunate incident occurs.
  6. Get Good Grades: A number of companies allow generous discounts of up to 25% for good grades! Make a B average or higher a provision for allowing your teen on the road.
  7. Company Car: If you have your own business, your teen may be able to use the company car without you being slapped with a higher premium. Investigate this possibility.
  8. Carry-Over From Your Teen: An important fact that is often overlooked is that your teen's carelessness or risky behavior may bump you into the high risk category with sky-high premiums! Your kid has to understand that his or her driving record is serious business, likely to affect the whole family. If not handled with responsibility, it may void your chances of ever getting cheap auto insurance.

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